So many exciting things are going on - for one, today I get to be the second photographer at a wedding in downtown Minneapolis. My friend Sarah (check out her website), has asked me to accompany her and to be in the balcony during the ceremony, as well as to get the detail shots at the reception (which is at the stunning Millennium Hotel) and the guests arriving during cocktail hour. I am beyond thrilled for this wonderful opportunity.
Then, tomorrow evening I am doing a photo shoot with a family of four. Hopefully the weather cooperates....we'll be bringing lots of balloons to the park.....
Third, yesterday I made the investment into a new lens - a 50mm 1.8, which I will hopefully have within a week or so. I've heard many great things about this lens, especially for taking portraits.
And lastly, for now, here's a sneak peek at the more artistic side of photography that I've just started working on. This is a project in its very beginning stages, but I'm so excited that I just have to share a tiny bit with you. Notice the moon in each of these.....